Agenda item
To receive announcements from:
a) The Mayor
b) Leader of the Council
c) Members of the Cabinet
d) Chairs of Committees
e) Head of Paid Service
The Mayor
17.1 The Mayor reminded Members that Gloucester Carnival would be held on Saturday and the theme this year was myths and legends. He invited all Members to board the open-top bus at Westgate Car Park.
17.2 The Mayor announced that Gloucester Classic Retro would be held on Saturday 24th August. The attractions included a steam train from Birmingham hauled by the famous Great Western steam locomotive ‘Clun Castle’ which would remain in the sidings for steam enthusiasts. The event would raise funds for the Civic Charities which were Alzheimers Trust, the Multiple Schlerosis Therapy Centre and Gloucestershire Young Carers.
17.3 The Mayor announced that Tony Wisdom of the Democratic and Electoral Services team would be retiring. He thanked Tony for his service and wished him a happy retirement.
The Leader of the Council
17.4 Councillor James announced that the Council had gained the Innovation in Property and Asset Management award in the Municipal Journal Achievement Awards 2019. He had been grateful for the support of all parties.
17.5 Councillor James announced that work had started on site for the Kings Walk car park and he advised that it had been possible to locate the public toilets on the ground floor level.
Members of the Cabinet
17.6 Councillor Gravells, Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing Strategy, announced that the Moat Primary School Matson Summer Fayre would be held on 12th July and there would be a consultation on the Matson and Podsmead Estate Regeneration Supplementary Planning Documents. He asked local councilors to encourage local people to give their views to represent the views of the community.
17.7 Councillor Morgan, Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure, drew Members’ attention to the great range of events this summer including the Moon Exhibition, Summer of Music, Arts and Culture, the Three Choirs Festival and Beat the Street.
17.8 Councillor Morgan advised that the Gloucester Culture Trust had submitted a bid for £250,000 to the Paul Hamlyn Foundation to fund work with the Camden Roundhouse.
17.9 Councillor Cook, Cabinet Member for Environment, announced that he had instructed that £300,000 had been withheld from the payments to the Council’s contractor, Amey. They had returned £40,000 to Gloucestershire County Council in respect of false claims for recycling. He noted that Members had asked about termination of the contract and advised that there were three routes for termination:-
i. Duration – the current contract would run until 31st March 2022.
ii. Breach of contract – this could result in years in the courts.
iii. Mutual agreement – would require a huge payment for early termination of the contract.
He noted that Amey had admitted in writing that service had been affected by two no fault accidents involving recycling vehicles and nine members of staff on sick leave.
Chairs of Committees
17.10 Councillor Melvin, Chair of the Audit and Governance Committee congratulated Councillor Gravells on his appointment to the Cabinet. She also advised that she had asked Officers to set up a video link for meetings with external auditors, other than when documents needed to be signed, which would make savings and provide environmental benefits.