Agenda item
Announcements (10 Minutes)
To receive announcements from:
a) The Mayor
b) Leader of the Council
c) Members of the Cabinet
d) Chairs of Committees
e) Head of Paid Service
The Mayor
50.1. The Mayor and Sheriff hosted two very successful Children’s Christmas Parties in December and the Mayor expressed her thanks to Councillors David Brown, Hampson, Lewis, Tracey and Wilson for their help with the parties.
50.2 The Mayor advised that tickets for the Civic Ball, to be held at Hatherley Manor Hotel on 18th May, were now on sale at £40 and were available from the Civics Officer. She also thanked those Councillors who had donated prizes for the raffle to be held at the Ball.
50.3 The Mayor announced that the Council would be hosting a reception for the Windrush Generation to express the City’s appreciation of the contribution they have made to the life and prosperity of the City. The reception would be held on Friday, 22nd February at 6.00pm and invitations had been distributed to Councillors.
50.4 The Mayor announced that Mike Parry, who had been elected as a Liberal Democrat Councillor for Kingsholm in 1995 and a former County Councillor, had passed away. She extended the condolences of the Council to his family and friends.
50.5 She also announced that Peter Grant-Hudson, who had served as Sheriff and Deputy Mayor in 1989/90, had passed away on 19th December. She extended the condolences of the Council to his family and friends.
50.6 The Mayor announced that the funeral of former Liberal Democrat Councillor Gordon Heath would be held at 12.30pm on Tuesday, 29th January at Hempsted Church. She extended the condolences of the Council to his wife Joan, his family and friends. She invited the Liberal Democrat Group Leader, Councillor Hilton to say a few words.
50.7 Councillor Hilton paid tribute to Gordon Heath who had been a Councillor for Westgate ward for eight years. He had also been President for the Gloucester Liberal Democrats and would be greatly missed. Councillor Hilton also advised that Mike Parry had served as a County Councillor for two terms and his wife had served as a City Councillor.
Cabinet Members
50.8 Councillor Noakes, Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure announced that the Guildhall had been awarded Silver at the recent Best Bar None Awards and she congratulated Guildhall staff on their achievement.
Chairs of Committees
50.9 Councillor Williams, Chair of the General Purposes Committee, announced that the Committee had considered the personal safety of members following an incident which she had experienced last year. She stated that further information and guidance would be circulated to all Councillors and she stressed the importance of the advice which it would contain. She also stated that training on this vital issue would be arranged and encouraged all Members to attend.
50.10 Councillor Coole, Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, advised that the meeting of that Committee on Monday, 28th January would be held in the Guildhall.