Agenda item
Marketing Gloucester
To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure and the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources reporting on the findings and recommendations of the finance, governance, strategic and operational review of Marketing Gloucester commissioned by the Board of Marketing Gloucester and seeking for future actions to be agreed.
(1) to note and welcome the review reports and thank the report authors and the city and sector stakeholders, MGL staff and Directors, councillors and officers who participated in the review;
(2) to endorse the proposal that Gloucester needs an effective, dynamic and collaborative Place Marketing Organisation (PMO) and that MGL should refocus its efforts to deliver this requirement;
(3) to bring back in-house the budget, seconded staff and commissioning responsibilities for the delivery of the City Events Programme;
(4) to work with MGL to reshape and resize the Board to ensure that the Council’s interests are equitably represented, that there is an independent Chair and appropriate mix of executive and non-executive Directors and that the Directors have the necessary skills and experience to provide effective governance and management of the company
(5) to appoint one additional City Council representatives to the Board of MGL
(6) to recommend to the Board of MGL the urgent appointment of an interim Managing Director to work with the Board to determine the Company’s vision, mission and purpose, its business plan, its staffing structures, skills needs and budgets; and for this to include a review of best practice nationally and locally, including Marketing Cheltenham and appropriate risk assessments;
(7) to support the Board of MGL in putting in place formal and transparent financial policies and procedures to ensure effective financial management, oversight and reporting;
(8) to work with the Board of MGL and GFirstLEP on a priority review of the delivery and operation of the UK:DRIC;
(9) to engage with the Boards of MGL and the Gloucester BID on a possible review of the support, administration and events delivery provided to the BID by MGL;
(10)to authorise the Corporate Director (Transformation) in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure to negotiate and enter into revised Articles and Service Level Agreement and other related legal documentation, on terms approved by the Council Solicitor and s151 Officer, in order to implement those above mentioned recommendations.
Cabinet considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure and the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources that reported on the findings and recommendations of the finance, governance, strategic and operational review of Marketing Gloucester commissioned by the Board of Marketing Gloucester (MGL) and sought for future actions to be agreed.
The Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure drew Members’ attention to the diverse range of successful events delivered by MGL (3.2) and commended to them the commitment and passion for the city of the MGL staff that he had personally observed. He emphasised the importance of building on their achievements. The Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure set out each recommendation (2.1) in detail and placed them in the context of moving forward on a sound financial basis. The Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources echoed the points made about the dedication demonstrated by MGL staff and expressed her wish to reassure and give clarity to them. She stressed the importance of recommendation 2.1.7 (to support the Board of MGL) and confirmed additional help would be provided to ensure good governance going forward. The Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources further commented that investing in MGL would be to the good of the city and the Council’s recent property investments in the city centre such as Kings Walk, Eastgate Shopping Centre and St Oswald’s Retail Park. The Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Economy reminded Members that those sites were about more than retail and that a report on festivals and events was to be considered by Cabinet in February 2020. The Cabinet Member for Environment reiterated that it was essential for the good work done by the MGL team over the years be maintained and if possible improved upon.
(1) to note and welcome the review reports and thank the report authors and the city and sector stakeholders, MGL staff and Directors, councillors and officers who participated in the review;
(2) to endorse the proposal that Gloucester needs an effective, dynamic and collaborative Place Marketing Organisation (PMO) and that MGL should refocus its efforts to deliver this requirement;
(3) to bring back in-house the budget, seconded staff and commissioning responsibilities for the delivery of the City Events Programme;
(4) to work with MGL to reshape and resize the Board to ensure that the Council’s interests are equitably represented, that there is an independent Chair and appropriate mix of executive and non-executive Directors and that the Directors have the necessary skills and experience to provide effective governance and management of the company
(5) to appoint one additional City Council representatives to the Board of MGL
(6) to recommend to the Board of MGL the urgent appointment of an interim Managing Director to work with the Board to determine the Company’s vision, mission and purpose, its business plan, its staffing structures, skills needs and budgets; and for this to include a review of best practice nationally and locally, including Marketing Cheltenham and appropriate risk assessments;
(7) to support the Board of MGL in putting in place formal and transparent financial policies and procedures to ensure effective financial management, oversight and reporting;
(8) to work with the Board of MGL and GFirstLEP on a priority review of the delivery and operation of the UK:DRIC;
(9) to engage with the Boards of MGL and the Gloucester BID on a possible review of the support, administration and events delivery provided to the BID by MGL;
(10)to authorise the Corporate Director (Transformation) in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure to negotiate and enter into revised Articles and Service Level Agreement and other related legal documentation, on terms approved by the Council Solicitor and s151 Officer, in order to implement those above mentioned recommendations.
Supporting documents:
Marketing Gloucester, item 88.
PDF 127 KB
Appendix 1 Terms of Reference for Reviews, item 88.
PDF 106 KB
Appendix 2 Feedback Report of Strategic and Operational Review, item 88.
Appendix 3 Feedback Report of Finance and Governance Review, item 88.