Agenda item
- Meeting of Council, Thursday, 24th September 2020 6.30 pm (Item 29.)
- View the background to item 29.
To receive announcements from:
a) The Mayor
b) Leader of the Council
c) Members of the Cabinet
d) Chairs of Committees
e) Head of Paid Service
The Mayor
29.1 The Mayor informed Members that facemasks with the Civic Coat of Arms were available for a donation to the Civic Charity and that if any Members would like one, they could contact her. She thanked Members who had already made a contribution.
29.2 The Mayor announced that she had, that morning, had met with Officers and representatives of the ARK and the RBL to begin preparations for the Remembrance Day commemorations. She noted that there would have to be significant changes to this year’s events but that it was the intention for the City to mark the day with due respect.
Members of the Cabinet
29.3 The Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods, Councillor Watkins, informed Members that in July the Government had launched the Next Steps Accommodation Programme inviting local authorities to apply for funding to ensure those accommodated would not return to rough sleeping and prevent others at risk, from ending up on the streets. She announced that an initial award of £296,542 had been made to Gloucestershire which would go towards providing immediate and short term help including secure hotel accommodation across the districts. Councillor Watkins also informed Members that she hoped to hear further news regarding capital funding for ‘move on’ accommodation in a matter of weeks. She thanked all those involved in leading on the bid.
29.3 The Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure, Councillor Morgan, announced that a company had been awarded a contract to help provide the Tall Ships Festival for 2021.