Agenda item
To receive announcements from:
a) The Mayor
b) Leader of the Council
c) Members of the Cabinet
d) Chairs of Committees
e) Head of Paid Service
The Mayor
39.1 The Mayor informed Members that she had participated in a number of events to commemorate Remembrance Sunday. She had attended a ceremony at the North Warehouse for Members of the Corporation who lost their lives in the First World War. The Mayor, on Remembrance Sunday, attended the Cross of Sacrifice and War Memorials at the Old and New Cemeteries in Tredworth. She also informed Members that she had attended the memorial in the park and the Hussars Memorial outside the Cathedral. Due to Covid, these were private ceremonies with very limited attendance including her Chaplain, the City Marshall and Councillor Coole.
39.2 The Mayor informed Members that she had presented a wreath for the Great Western Railway (GWR) poppy train to London with a number of other organisations in the City. A service was conducted at Paddington Station and could be watched back on the GWR website. The Mayor also participated by contributing a line from a poem along with other Civics from around the South West.
39.3 The Mayor also brought to Members’ attention that the Christmas lights had been switched on in the City Centre with a scaled down switch on. She also regretfully informed Members that the Children’s Christmas party would not be taking place this year due to Covid and that it was hoped an event could be held in the spring.
39.4 The Mayor further announced that the 20 November was Trans day of Remembrance and that she would be attend St Mary de Crypt to light a candle in remembrance of trans people who had been killed. She further stated that the Council would be flying the trans flag.
39.5 In relation to the Saintbridge Trust, The Mayor announced that there would be a training session for all Members who also act as Trustees of the Trust on 2 December. There would subsequently be a meeting of all Trustees on 15 December.
Leader of the Council
39.6 The Leader, Councillor Cook, advised Members that a recent compliance report in relation to the crematorium had taken place by The Federation of Burial and Cremation Authorities and received 330 out of 330. He conveyed his congratulations to all who worked at the Crematorium.
Members of the Cabinet
39.7 The Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods, Councillor Watkins announced that a bid for £3.8m had been successful for vulnerable people in housing need during the pandemic. It would provide 50 one and two bedroom flats in Gloucester, Stroud and the Forest of Dean. Councillor Watkins further announced that 37 of these would be in Gloucester. An element of the funding would be to support those individuals to ensure they can move on and secure stable tenancies. Some of the funding would also cover hotel costs incurred during lockdown.
39.8 The Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure, Councillor Morgan, announced that in the next couple of weeks, the Bright Lights installation would be launched. It would involve local communities as well as international and local artists to produce a series of installations in the City Centre, Podsmead and Matson through December and into January.
39.9 The Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing Strategy, Councillor Gravells, informed Members that the City Council’s response to the Planning White Paper had been submitted and thanked the three political groups for their contributions and ensuring it was not presented along party political lines. He further informed Members that the City Plan had been submitted to the Planning Inspectorate and it would anticipated the inspectorate would begin work in early 2021.
39.10 The Cabinet Member for Economic Growth and Recovery, Councillor Melvin, informed Members that on 16 November, the online portal for business grant applications went live. There was not a current deadline and applications were open.
Chairs of Committees
39.11 The Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Councillor Coole, informed Members that budget scrutiny would take place on Monday 7 December. He stated that much of the discussion would likely be in the context of Covid. They encouraged those Members who did not sit on the Committee to attend and to submit any questions they might have to democratic services by 2 December.