Agenda item
Written Questions to Cabinet Members
Written questions and answers. Only one supplementary question is allowed per question.
44.1 In respect of question 2, Councillor Field asked if the Cabinet Member for Environment was concerned by reports of accidents involving e-scooters and misuse of them. Councillor Cook shared Councillor Field’s concern. He advised that he was in regular contact with the CEO of the company running scheme particularly in relation to visually and hearing impaired users. Councillor Cook also expressed concerns around intoxication and had raised these issues.
44.2 In respect of question five, Councillor Field asked Councillor Cook whether he agreed that it would be preferable for street signs to be in place for the completed roads at the development at one end of Bristol Road while street signs were already in place for unfinished parts of the development. Councillor Cook responded that officers would be engaging with the development company to get the job done.
44.3 In respect of question 6, Councillor Field asked Councillor Melvin if she had the report valuing the continental market and if so, could it be shared. Councillor Melvin advised that she would be in touch with him early the following week.
44.4 In respect of question 7, Councillor Field noted that there had been several comments regarding fireworks and safety in recent weeks. He asked if further action was required such as banning their sale. Councillor Melvin shared her view that it was an important debate and it might be prudent to canvass a wide range of views. Councillor Cook acknowledged that there were considerable environmental issues to be considered and that it was likely that such measures be introduced by bodies other than local authorities.
44.5 In respect of question 9, Councillor Field asked, given the widespread recognition that local government had assisted with responding to the Covid-19 pandemic, was Councillor Hannah Norman making the case that Councils needed to be fully funded in order to respond to such crises. Councillor Hannah Norman agreed and stated that continual lobbying of the MP was taking place. She outlined what funds had been received from Central Government and that further funds were forthcoming but could take some time.
44.6 In respect of question 10, Councillor Stephens stated he was disappointed to see that there were approximately eleven rough sleepers in city when at start of pandemic it was zero. He sought assurance that everything was being done to house them. Councillor Stephens also stated that Members had issues contacting the out of hours service. He asked Councillor Watkins if this was being resolved and queried what those presenting to closed offices with no access to a phone were to do. Councillor Watkins confirmed that the number cited was a snapshot in time and, as such, would fluctuate. There were individuals who the Council was working hard with but were not accepting accommodation and that further work was required to help. With regard to contacting the Council ‘out of hours’ Councillor Watkins stated that she had not been made aware of any performance issues in respect of the out of hours team. There was a freephone number and a map with phones indicated as well as free Wi-Fi in the city centre.
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