Agenda item
Members' Question Time
a) Leader and Cabinet Members’ Question Time (30 minutes)
Any member of the Council may ask the Leader of the Council or any Cabinet Member any question without prior notice, upon:
· Any matter relating to the Council’s administration
· Any matter relating to any report of the Cabinet appearing on the Council’s summons
· A matter coming within their portfolio of responsibilities
Only one supplementary question is allowed per question.
c) Questions to Chairs of Meetings (15 Minutes)
48.1 Councillor Hilton noted that following examination of the draft City Plan, thePlanning Inspectorate had found that, while the draft was not entirely sound,it could be made to be so. Following the recommendation that 66 modifications be made, he asked the Cabinet Member for Housing andPlanning Strategy if the Cabinet would agree to these so that consultationcould begin.
48.2 Councillor Gravells stated it was excellent that Gloucester had aCity Plan, which had passed the legal test, and that the recommendations were to be considered by Cabinet. Councillor Gravells pointed to mechanisms such as the Planning Policy Members Working Group andregular briefings for how Members could air their thoughts on such matters.
48.3 Councillor Hilton noted that three of the modifications recommended were inKingsholm and Wotton and that there was a proposal for more homes (approximately 400). In response to a query from Councillor Hilton regardinghow it could be ensure that at least one site was begun during the lifetime ofthis Council, Councillor Gravells agreed that more affordable homes were need and that he would get such information to him. Councillor Gravells also advised that he would provide a written response to Councillor Hilton’s on what plans were being made in respect of the Wessex House.
48.4 Councillor Pullen conveyed the thanks of the Labour Group for all the workundertaken by the outgoing Head of Place. He asked the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources, Councillor Norman, why a proposed move of office accommodation was made public prior to Members being fullybriefed. Councillor Norman advised that the proposal would go through the full democratic process and that detailed papers would be made available the next day for consideration by the Overview and Scrutiny prior toconsideration by Cabinet.
48.5 In response to a supplementary question regarding the future of the Gateway, Councillor Norman stated thatcomments were always welcome throughout the decision making process.
48.6 Councillor Pullen asked Councillor Morgan if he supported a proposal fromthe local MP that, once the tennis courts in Moreland had been resurfaced residents be charged a fee to use them. Councillor Morgan stated that he was aware of ongoing discussions and that there would be a consultation.
48.7 Councillor Pullen noted that there was no reference to charging in theplaying pitch strategy and queried whether placing a fee on the courts’ usewould dissuade those who would benefit most from using them. Councillor Morgan expressed the view that it was possible that a number of options would be considered.
48.8 Councillor D. Brown asked Councillor Cook whether there would be arefounding of the Environment and Ecology Forum following the departure of a key officer. Councillor Cook advised that he was very much in favour of restarting it and would look to do this as soon as was possible.
48.9 Councillor J. Brown asked of Councillor Cook why, following a motion at thelast Council meeting, Members were having difficulties getting trees to plantin their wards. Councillor Cook advised that the climate change manager was preparing the plans and intended to speak with every Councillor.
48.10 Councillor Chambers-Dubus asked whether Members could receive a list ofstreets which had experienced a missed waste collection. Councillor Cook advised that he would ask officers to look into providing this and highlightedthat four new drivers had started and that, in the previous two weeks, no collections had been missed.
48.11 In response to a supplementary question from Councillor Chambers-Dubus on what residents should do should theircollection be missed, Councillor Cook advised on how best to report such incidences.
48.12 Councillor Bhaimia stated that flytipping the in the Barton and Tredwortharea was getting worse and asked that more CCTY be installed and if the level of fines could increase. Councillor Cook advised that there were four new officers to deal with this who were working on investigating incidences of flytipping and that the amount the Council could fine was set down in law.
48.13 With regard to footfall at the museum having decreased, Councillor Fieldasked what opportunities were being explored to diversify income generation. Councillor Morgan advised that there was a cultural developmentofficer in place, that an exhibition was currently on display and further suchattractions were planned. He further confirmed that the Council would keepthe museum open.
48.14 Councillor Wilson noted that the Council’s phone lines had not been workingfor a day in recent weeks and queried why this had happened. Councillor Norman advised that it was an issue with the third party provider and that an investigation would take place.