Agenda item

Gloucester City Commission to Review Race Relations Final Report

To consider the report of the Leader of the Council presenting the work and findings of the Gloucester City Commission to Review Race Relations as set out in their final report with a set of recommendations that attempt to improve the lives of, and enhance opportunities for, Black and Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities within the City.


64.1      Councillor Cook moved and Councillor Hudson seconded the motion. Councillor Cook outlined the detailed findings of the Commission and praised the work of all involved. He welcomed the significant discussion that had taken place at the Overview and Scrutiny Committee regarding how to take it forward. He advised that he had raised it at Leadership Gloucestershire and would be working with other districts and the county to form a legacy organisation.


64.2      Councillor Pullen welcomed the excellent report and noted that it was significant and detailed. He thanked all those involved. Noting that it had originated from a Labour motion, it was good to see that it had been taken forward. He shared his view that the report showed that, in general, there were good race relations in the City but highlighted inequalities in the public sector particularly. As the originator of the Commission, he stated that the Council had a duty to take it forward in the future and that it was right that partner organisations be asked to contribute.


64.3      Councillor Wilson, who had sat on the Commission, stated that it had been an honour to be involved. Considerable work had gone into the report and was impressed with the commissioners’ dedication. He stated that some of the findings were not surprising and that it was the Council’s responsibility as the initiator to ensure a proper legacy was left.


64.4      Councillor Lewis informed Members that he had suggested an exhibition at the museum to display the diverse history of Gloucester.


64.5      Councillor Gravells stated that it was positive that the City Council was taking ownership and suggested related task and finish groups.


64.6      Councillor Padilla shared it view that it was a very timely report and suggested it be highlighted and celebrated, particularly during Race Equality week beginning 7 February.


64.7      Councillor Durdey recounted a personal experience of his family being victims of racism and suggested that the report could be the basis of creating a more welcome and inclusive city.


64.8      Councillor Field informed Members that a detailed and serious discussion had taken place at the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and that the Committee would be keeping it under review.


64.9      Councillor Cook confirmed that the City Council would be at the centre of taking the reports recommendations forward.


64.10   RESOLVED that:- the report of the Gloucester City Commission to Review Race Relations be endorsed and that the recommendations agreed by Cabinet be noted.

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