Agenda item

Performance Monitoring Quarter 1 Report

To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources informing Members of the Council’s performance against key measures in Quarter 1 of 2021/22.


27.1    The Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources introduced the report and confirmed that the purpose was to inform Members of the Council’s performance against key measures in Quarter 1 of 2021/22. She explained that where targets exist, they had been included along with a narrative to explain the data.


27.2    The Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources confirmed that improving trends had been seen in areas including the number of environmental-crime FPNs issued and the percentage of major and minor planning applications where decisions were made within the agreed timescale or extended period. She noted that indicators showing a declining trend included the percentage of domestic waste collected on time and the number of complaints received by the Council escalated to stage 2.


27.3    The Chair asked for clarification as to whether the performance indicator relating to the number of telephone calls (CS-6) should be recorded as an improving trend rather than a declining trend, as the Council appeared to be receiving fewer calls and fewer calls had been recorded as ‘missed’. The Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources explained that this could well be a positive trend and the recording of declining trend could be down to a programming issue. It was agreed that enquiries would be made with officers to investigate whether the programming could be adjusted.


27.4    Councillor Wilson noted that the figures in performance indicator CS-6 indicated that around 45% of calls were being missed and invited comments from the Cabinet Member. The Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources explained that the definition of a ‘missed call’ was not necessarily always where the call had gone unanswered, but could also be where a call had been ended when the customer realised they needed a different department whilst in a queue. She noted that calls were also recorded as ‘missed’ where customers had left the queue because of time related reasons or where they had listened to prompts suggesting that the query could be addressed online instead.


27.5    Referring to the performance indicator relating to the percentage of broadly compliant food premises (CWB-13), Councillor Wilson asked whether the current value of 77% of food premises being broadly compliant with the required standards could be explained by officers carrying out checks more frequently, or whether more resources were needed in this area. Councillor Wilson also asked for clarification as to whether the stickers were updated when it was found that a premises’ 5-star rating needed to be removed.


27.6    The Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources offered to seek clarification from the Communities team in relation to Councillor Wilson’s queries and it was agreed that follow-up enquiries would be made with officers.


27.7    In relation to CWB-13, Councillor Durdey recalled that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting were previously advised that the sample was targeted towards food premises deemed as higher risk rather than premises where there were no previous concerns. He asked whether this could be an explanation behind the current value for Quarter 1. He also asked whether there were any staff shortages in the team.


27.8    The Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources noted that she was not aware of any vacancies in the team and it was agreed that follow up enquiries would be made with the Communities team on both of Councillor Durdey’s questions.


27.9    Councillor Pullen referred to the performance indicator relating to the average customer waiting time on the telephone (CS-8) and noted that lengthy telephone waiting times was a common complaint he received from constituents. He referred to the statement in the narrative confirming that staffing levels had dipped at the beginning of the quarter due to staff retiring, being seconded and the ending of fixed term contracts and expressed concern that the Council should have been aware of these issues and asked for comments from the Cabinet Member.


27.10  The Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources explained that there would be an additional roll out of the ‘Report It’ facility and confirmed that arranging transfer of bulky waste would soon be added to the list of options. She noted that this would hopefully help address the lengthy call times as around 75% of the calls received by the council related to waste queries. It was agreed that an update on Customer Services recruitment plans would be sought from the Customer Services team.


27.11  The Chair asked the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources to clarify whether the impact of Brexit should be included in the narrative as a further explanation for the declining trends in the number of affordable homes delivered (H-25) and shortage of HGV drivers (WR-12). The Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources explained that some HGV drivers had decided to retire or pursue career changes following the challenging year brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic. She also noted that there had been challenges with recruiting new drivers due to the Covid-19 restrictions on driving tests and lengthy waiting lists for tests.


            RESOLVED – That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee NOTE the report.




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