Agenda item
Review of Political Balance on Committees and Various Appointments
To receive the report of the Head of Paid Service concerning a review of political balance following the Longlevens by-election and changes to various committee appointments.
51.1 Councillor Cook proposed and Councillor Norman seconded the proposalscontained within the report.
51.2 In respect of proposed seat allocations on Committees, Councillors Hiltonand Pullen confirmed their agreement to the proposals whereby the LabourGroup would not lose a seat on a Committee.
51.3 Councillor Cook proposed that Councillor Morgan be elected Vice Chair ofthe Planning Committee.
51.4 Councillor Hilton proposed that Councillor D. Brown be elected Vice Chair of the Planning Committee.
51.5 Both proposals were put to the vote and Councillor Morgan was elected Vice Chair of the Planning Committee.
51.6 Councillor Cook proposed Councillor Finnegan to be elected Chair of the General Purposes Committee.
51.7 Councillor Wilson proposed that Councillor Hilton be elected Chair of the General Purposes Committee.
51.8 Both proposals were put to the vote and Councillor Finnegan was elected Chair of the General Purposes Committee.
51.9 RESOLVED that:
(1) Approve the proposed changes to membership of Committees as set out in the report be approved, following the Leaders of the Liberal Democrat and Labour Groups having reached agreement on their seat allocations as set out in paragraph 3.7.
(2) Receive and note the following nominations to Committees as required by the proposed changes:
Overview and Scrutiny Committee – 1 additional seat (Liberal Democrat) – Councillor Sarah Sawyer.
Planning Committee – 1 vacant seat (Conservative) – Councillor Pam Tracey.
Licensing and Enforcement Committee – 1 vacant seat (Conservative) – Councillor Jaro Kubaszczyk.
(3) Receive and note the following nominations to Committees resulting from changes to the Cabinet:
Councillor Durdey to be appointed as Conservative Spokesperson on the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
Councillor Morgan to replace Councillor Lewis on Planning Committee.
Councillor Morgan to replace Councillor Lewis on Planning Policy Working Group
(4) Councillor Morgan be appointed Vice Chair of the Planning Committee;
(5) Councillor Finnegan be appointed Chair of the General Purposes Committee.
Supporting documents: