Agenda item
Gloucester City Plan - Main Modifications
To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing Strategy seeking approval for the publication of the Main Modifications to the Gloucester City Plan for public consultation.
(1) the proposed Main Modifications to the Gloucester City Plan as set out at Appendix 2 of the report (including proposed modifications to the Policies Map), are approved for public consultation, alongside Additional Modifications and the Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulations Assessment addendum
(2) the correction of any minor errors such as spelling, grammar, typographical and formatting changes that do not affect the substantive content of the plan is delegated to the Head of Place, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing Strategy.
Cabinet considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing Strategy that sought approval for the publication of the Main Modifications to the Gloucester City Plan for public consultation.
The Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing Strategy summarised the long journey that had progressed the Gloucester City Plan to the current stage. She particularly paid tribute to the hard work of Councillors Gravells and Organ in their roles as former holders of her portfolio. The Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing Strategy further outlined some of the benefits that the City Plan with the proposed modifications would bring.
The Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources took the opportunity to thank on behalf of Cabinet the Planning Policy Manager and Principal Planning Officer for their clear and passionate advocacy for the City Plan at the examination hearings and Overview and Scrutiny Committees.
The Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure informed Members that he had observed the long development of the City Plan as a member of the Planning Committee for ten years. He reminded them of the importance of getting it right so that more say is given on how Gloucester evolves and regenerates in the future.
(1) the proposed Main Modifications to the Gloucester City Plan as set out at Appendix 2 of the report (including proposed modifications to the Policies Map), are approved for public consultation, alongside Additional Modifications and the Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulations Assessment addendum
(2) the correction of any minor errors such as spelling, grammar, typographical and formatting changes that do not affect the substantive content of the plan is delegated to the Head of Place, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing Strategy.
Supporting documents:
Gloucester City Plan - Main Modifications, item 117.
PDF 119 KB
Appendix 1 - Inspector Post Hearings Letter, item 117.
PDF 215 KB
Appendix 2 - Schedule of Proposed Main Modifications, item 117.
PDF 676 KB
Appendix 3A - Policies Map (Full), item 117.
Appendix 3B - Policies Map Addendums (Combined), item 117.
Appendix 4 - Sustainability Appraisal Addendum, item 117.
PDF 370 KB
Appendix 5 - Schedule of Additional Modifications, item 117.
PDF 121 KB
Appendix 6 - Gloucester City Plan with Proposed Modifications, item 117.