Agenda item

Programme of Meetings, May 2023-April 2025

To consider the report of the Policy and Governance Manager seeking approval for a two-year programme of ordinary meetings of Council and other meetings for the period of May 2023 to April 2025.


48.1    Councillor Norman moved and Councillor Cook seconded the motion.


48.2    Councillor Hilton noted that the proposed programme of meetings indicated that there would be three meetings of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee in Januarys – one of these being reserved for consideration of the budget following the announcement of the local government settlement. He queried whether this was too much for one Committee in a single month. It was highlighted that this was a proposal from the Committee itself and that it was within their gift to reconsider their work programme.


48.3    RESOLVED that the two-year programme of ordinary meetings of Council and other meetings for the period of May 2023 to April 2025 be approved subject to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee considering whether to hold three meetings in Januarys.

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