Agenda item


To receive announcements from:


a)         The Mayor

b)         Leader of the Council

c)         Members of the Cabinet

d)         Chairs of Committees

e)         Head of Paid Service


The Mayor


The Mayor announced that Gloucester was hosting the Three Choirs festival this year and that it would begin on Saturday 15 July 2023. She encouraged Members to attend and to encourage others to do so also.


Leader of the Council


Councillor Cook announced that income from recycling had increased from c. £300k p.a. to over £1.2m p.a. He attributed this partly to the increase in the price of recyclables as well as the hard work of officers, collection staff and residents themselves – all of whom he thanked and commended.


Cabinet Member for Housing and Planning Strategy, Councillor S. Chambers informed Members of an agreement with Rooftop Housing for a new development at St. Oswald’s which would see a number of affordable homes brought online while cementing the Council’s environmental commitments.