Agenda item

Petitions and Deputations (15 Minutes)

A period not exceeding three minutes is allowed for the presentation of a petition or deputation provided that no such petition or deputation is in relation to:


·            Matters relating to individual Council Officers, or

·            Matters relating to current or pending legal proceedings


47.1    Councillor A. Chambers presented a petition with 156 signatures:


The petition requested that the council to discounted licence rates for disabled taxis in Gloucester City and request operators to ensure there is always an accessible/disabled taxi on shift which gives priority to blue badge disabled customers as well as do all the city council can to encourage more disabled taxis in Gloucester.


47.2    Councillor Norman accepted the petition and advised that the request could present a challenge by virtue of taxi drivers being self employed and that they therefore choose their own hours of work. She stated that she would look into the matter and respond in further detail in due course.


47.3    Councillor A. Chambers presented a petition with 1,106 signatures.


The petition requested that: the council agrees to getting the rules and regulations reviewed at the cemetery [in regard to the installation of borders and the keeping of ornaments on burial sites]


47.4    Councillor Norman acknowledged the petition and advised that issues raised would be addressed during the Members’ Questions item as well as the notice of notion pertinent to the matter which had been submitted.