Agenda item
Land off Matson Lane, Gloucester - 22/00627/FUL
Application for Determination:
Construction of 9 no. residential apartments, change of use of existing School Lodge building to a community use (Use Class F2), open space, landscaping, SUDS, amended vehicular access, car parking and associated works.
The Planning Development Manager presented the report detailing an application for the Construction of 9 no. residential apartments, change of use of existing School Lodge building to a community use (Use Class F2), open space, landscaping, SUDS, amended vehicular access, car parking and associated works.
The Planning Development Manager responded to Members’ questions concerning whether the residents would have their own amenity space, whether there was a clothes drying area, whether the block would have a laundrette, when the construction could take place as there was another application for diverting the public right of way, concerns raised about the fact that all the proposed builds would be one bedroom accommodation, whether there would be a car park and if so, whether it would be lit, how the lodge would be used and how the S106 figure had been arrived at as follows:
- There would be outdoor space specifically for the residents.
- There was no clothes drying area included in the application. He would be content to talk to the applicant and ask if they wished to include one, but it was not appropriate to condition this.
- The flats were all of decent size and would have washing machines and tumble dryers.
- There was a separate application to divert the right of way. Building of the flats could not commence until the application received planning consent for that application. There would be a temporary right of way during the construction phase of development.
- A significant amount of finance for the project would go towards restoring the derelict lodge, which currently attracted a lot of anti-social behaviour and was run down. The application was on a Brownfield site which created issues for the applicant. Further, owing to the relatively small size of the Brownfield site, 9 one-bedroom properties was a more efficient use of the space. The number of properties proposed also fell below the criteria for necessitating the requirement of affordable dwellings.
- The scheme, on merit, would be acceptable even if it did not restore the lodge. There was not a viability argument being put forward.
- There would be a surface level car park. This car park would have low level lighting, similar to other car parks in the area.
- The lodge would be used by the community.
- The S106 contribution was based on a formula.
The Highways Officer responded to Members’ questions concerning the access to the site and the right of way as follows:
- There was an existing right of way approximately through the centre of the site. There would be an application to divert the existing right of way.
- The original scheme was amended to give priority to pedestrians and increase visibility.
The Vice-Chair noted that he had slight reservations, after reading section 6.45 of the Officer’s report in relation to the requirement for more 3-4 bedroomed properties in and around Matson. However, he hoped that the provision of 9 one-bedroomed properties would free up other 3-4 bedroomed properties as locals may downsize. He added that the Committee could only judge the application that was before them and that he would support the officer recommendation.
The Chair stated that he believed that the application would improve the area. He said that he hoped that the granting of the application would also help to combat anti-social behaviour that was present in the area. He said that he was initially concerned that residents were not getting gardens, but confirmation from the Planning Development Manager that there would be outdoor amenity space for the residents had allayed this fear.
Councillor Gravells questioned why the S106 contribution of £7587.63 had not been rounded down or up to the nearest whole figure.
The Chair moved, and the Vice-Chair seconded the officer’s recommendation to grant the application subject to the conditions outlined in the officer report, as amended in the late material.
RESOLVED that the application was granted subject to the conditions outlined in the officer report as amended in the late material.
Supporting documents:
- 22.00627.FUL - School Lodge Land off Matson Lane FINAL VERSION (003)_compressed, item 18. PDF 416 KB
- 5591-P-1000Y Proposed Site Layout (rec. 23.6.23), item 18. PDF 446 KB