Agenda item

Temporary Accommodation Acquisition Programme

To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing Strategy and the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources setting out a programme of capital investment to increase the Council’s temporary accommodation portfolio to reduce the costs associated with providing temporary accommodation.  


50.1    Councillor S. Chambers moved and Councillor Norman seconded the motion contained within the report.


50.2    Councillor S. Chambers advised that the report sought approval for further capital investment as there had been an increase in the use of temporary accommodation in the past six months and that this was a national trend. She further advised that council owned assets helped only 11% of those in need.


50.3    Councillor Norman stated that there had been an overspend for temporary accommodation but that the forecast spend for Q.2 was less.


50.4    Councillor Hilton stated that he was broadly in favour of the proposal as it would be preferable to not spend funds on using hotels. He proposed and Councillor Wilson seconded the following amendment:


          Council is asked to RESOLVE that: 


(1)  Delegated authority be provided to the Corporate Director in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources and the Director of One Legal to: 


a)    approves the establishment of a capital investment fund, funded from borrowing, to enable an acquisition programme for buildings or other structures for use as temporary accommodation for households who present as homeless to the Council. 


b)    explore options and appoint a provider, or other arrangement, to manage the temporary accommodation provided on behalf of the Council. 


c)    procure and appoint contractors and associated professional services to carry out any works required to bring the properties into use as units of temporary accommodation.  


(2)  Acquisitions will be made in accordance with the principles of this report and the total costs will not exceed £5m. 


(3)  Endorse the letter sent by Cllr. Sam Chapman-Allen chairman of the District Council Network to the chancellor, Jeremy Hunt MP, which called for the government to urgently: 


·          Raise Local Housing Allowance rates to a level that will   cover at least 30% of local market rent and commit to annual uprating.? 

·         Provide £100m additional funding for Discretionary Housing Payments in 2023-24 and an additional £200m in 2024-25.?? 

·         Provide a £150m top-up to the Homelessness Prevention Grant for 2024-25.? 

·         Review the cap for housing benefit subsidy rate for local authority homelessness placements.? 

·         Develop policy to stimulate retention and supply in the privately rented sector.? 

·         Give councils the long-term funding, flexibility and certainty needed to increase the supply of social housing. 


(4)  Continue to lobby the city MP, the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities and the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions to provide the city council with additional revenue and capital funding to enable the council to meet its obligations to tackle homelessness within the city of Gloucester.


50.5    The amendment was accepted by the mover of the original motion.


50.6    In response to a query from Councillor A. Chambers regarding whether specific provision would be made for military veterans, Councillor S. Chambers advised that she would seek clarity on this and respond in due course.


50.7    RESOLVED that:-


(1)  Delegated authority be provided to the Corporate Director in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources and the Director of One Legal to: 


a)    approves the establishment of a capital investment fund, funded from borrowing, to enable an acquisition programme for buildings or other structures for use as temporary accommodation for households who present as homeless to the Council. 


b)    explore options and appoint a provider, or other arrangement, to manage the temporary accommodation provided on behalf of the Council. 


c)    procure and appoint contractors and associated professional services to carry out any works required to bring the properties into use as units of temporary accommodation.  


(2)  Acquisitions will be made in accordance with the principles of this report and the total costs will not exceed £5m. 


(3)  Endorse the letter sent by Cllr. Sam Chapman-Allen chairman of the District Council Network to the chancellor, Jeremy Hunt MP, which called for the government to urgently: 


·          Raise Local Housing Allowance rates to a level that will   cover at least 30% of local market rent and commit to annual uprating.? 

·         Provide £100m additional funding for Discretionary Housing Payments in 2023-24 and an additional £200m in 2024-25.?? 

·         Provide a £150m top-up to the Homelessness Prevention Grant for 2024-25.? 

·         Review the cap for housing benefit subsidy rate for local authority homelessness placements.? 

·         Develop policy to stimulate retention and supply in the privately rented sector.? 

·         Give councils the long-term funding, flexibility and certainty needed to increase the supply of social housing. 


(4)  Continue to lobby the city MP, the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities and the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions to provide the city council with additional revenue and capital funding to enable the council to meet its obligations to tackle homelessness within the city of Gloucester.

Supporting documents: