Agenda item

RAOB Club, 87 - 91 Southgate Street, Gloucester - 23/00696/OUT

Application for Determination:


Outline planning application for the demolition of former RAOB Social Club and redevelopment of the site to provide 17 residential flats and associated landscaping and external works. (landscaping reserved)  Revision to extant consented scheme comprising 14 units (17/00658/OUT).


The Senior Planning Officer presented the report detailing an outline application for the demolition of former RAOB Social Club and redevelopment of the site to provide 17 residential flats and associated landscaping and external works. (landscaping reserved) Revision to extant consented scheme comprising 14 units (17/00658/OUT).



Members’ Questions


The Principal Planning Officer responded to Members’ questions concerning the length of time before the previous application was consented, the difference between the application before the Committee and the one that had previously received planning consent, concerns about three of the flats and whether they would be used for their purported affordable housing purpose, why the dwellings did not meet national design space standards (NDSS), whether the applicant would still have the 2019 permission to build properties in the event of a refusal, whether local history was taken into account by officers and whether the street numbering team could be contacted to reflect that, whether the applicant proposed to include glazing, if the Whitesmiths Arms required repairs and concerns about bin storage as follows:


-      The legal agreement in respect of the provision application required a considerable duration to finalise.

-    Landscaping was the sole reserved matter not encompassed within the application.

-    The application under the Committee's consideration proposed only three alterations: the addition of three units on the second floor, the inclusion of affordable housing units on site and M4(2) units on the site.

-       The applicant was in talks with a Registered Social Landlord (RSL). If, after a year they could not sell the 3 affordable dwellings, then an offsite contribution would be required.

-       Most of the dwellings did not meet NDSS standards. None of the dwellings in the previous application met NDSS standards and had received consent as this policy had not been implemented by the Council until 2020 and was not in the adopted plan until January 2023. The additional three flats met NDSS standards.

-       The original permission to build 14 dwellings would still be in effect, in the event of a refusal.

-       Local history was taken into accounts by relevant officers.

-       The officer could email the street numbering team. However, it would not form part of the planning resolution.

-       The applicant had not offered to provide solar panels. However, there was a condition that stipulated that details of the proposed glazing and ventilation products must be submitted and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority before construction commences and these windows would have to be well-glazed, owing to the noise in the area. This would ensure that the properties were well insulated.  

-       The Whitesmiths Arms did require repairs. The Conservation Officer had worked closely with the relevant staff from Whitesmiths on this.

-       The Waste Management Team were content with the bin storage provision. 



Members’ Debate


The Chair noted that he was happy to see the affordable housing put on site.


Councillor J. Brown observed that concerning the size of the units, a comparable development at the Post House in Barnwood had been successful despite the compact nature of its dwellings. She expressed confidence that the current application would achieve similar success.


The Chair moved and the Vice-Chair seconded the officer recommendation.


RESOLVED that: outline planning permission is granted for outline consent subject to a S106 with the following Heads of terms and the conditions outlined in the officer report.


-Cotswold Beechwoods SAC contribution

-Contribution of £2,000 for Alney Island SAC and householder information pack.

-3 Affordable housing units (onsite – if they cannot be sold to a RSL after a specific period of time then an offsite contribution will be required).

-Contribution of £10,000 to amend Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) to exclude residents of the proposed development from obtaining permits in the residents parking scheme of zone GC.

Supporting documents: