Agenda item

Cemetery Rules and Regulations Review

To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources seeking to amend the 2014 rules and regulations for Gloucester Cemeteries as a result of the motion agreed at the Council meeting in November 2023.




(1)    the changes to the rules and regulations of Coney Hill and Tredworth Cemeteries as set out in appendix 2 of the report is approved with effect from 1st April 2024;


(2)    the public consultation on the rules and regulations is noted;


(3)    all deed holders who do not comply with the rules and regulations shall receive written notification asking them to comply within 14 days.


Cabinet considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources that sought to amend the 2014 rules and regulations for Gloucester Cemeteries as a result of the motion agreed at the Council (16th November 2023 Minute 53.15).


The Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources drew Members’ attention to the 128 responses to the public consultation (Appendix 8) and recounted some of the results in detail.  She advised that she believed the proposed rule amendments (3.3) to be the most workable solution while acknowledging that they were not what some may have wished.


The Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure reminded Members of the emotive and very personal nature of the subject and the difficult job that cemetery staff do.  He stated that there must be rules and regulations to ensure that the cemeteries remain neat and tidy for the general population and advised that he believed the proposed changes to be a good halfway house between the diverse wishes among the bereaved and residents.  The Cabinet Member for Environment reiterated that, although the proposed rules might seem strict to some, it was important to keep the cemeteries looking their best.  He further commented that the Bereavement Team do a brilliant job in the way they engage with bereaved families.




(1)    the changes to the rules and regulations of Coney Hill and Tredworth Cemeteries as set out in appendix 2 of the report is approved with effect from 1st April 2024;


(2)    the public consultation on the rules and regulations is noted;


(3)    all deed holders who do not comply with the rules and regulations shall receive written notification asking them to comply within 14 days.

Supporting documents: