Agenda item
Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan
To consider the report of the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Environment seeking adoption of a Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan, to be issued for public and key stakeholder consultation.
86.1 Councillor Cook moved and Councillor Norman seconded the motion. Councillor Cook outlined the key aspects of the plan as well as the timeline for delivery. He thanks officers and all involved in the process of drawing up the plan.
86.2 Councillor Hilton proposed and Councillor Wilson seconded the following amendment:
Council is asked to RESOLVE that
(1) The Gloucester City Council Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan at Appendix 1 be adopted and issued for public and key stakeholder consultation.
(2) Consideration be given to undertaking consultation in the form of roadshows, as well as online consultation, with a particular focus on ascertaining the views of young people on the Climate Change Strategy.
(3) A Member Briefing be offered to new Councillors on the Climate Change Strategy following the 2024 local elections.
(4) The development
of the Climate Change Action Plan be driven at the highest
political level, either through by ensuring that a
designated Cabinet Member is given clear
responsibilities for Climate Change or a Member Champion.
(5) That officers presents a report to Cabinet before summer recess, which has precise proposals to be implemented during the life of the next council (2024/28) that will help deliver a zero-carbon council
86.3 The amendment was accepted in part and Councillor Cook proposed deleting paragraph 5 and replacing it with, ‘that a report be prepared for the Climate Change Members Working Group before summer recess.’ This was not accepted by Councillor Hilton whose original amendment was then not accepted. The amendment was voted on and was lost.
86.4 Within substantive debate, Councillor Pullen noted that it had arisen a number of years ago by way of a Labour Group motion. He stated his view that it was the most important policy document the Council may ever adopted and as such, priority should be given to it. He noted that it was a through and detailed document. Councillor Pullen also expressed that he was pleased that recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee had been adopted and that it was imperative that it be driven at the highest levels with input from businesses, residents and the wider community.
86.5 Councillor Trimnell noted that considerable work had been put into the plan. She expressed concern that action be taken as soon as possible.
86.6 Councillor Wilson was in support of the action plan and impressed by the document. He stated that it was essential that young people be engaged given the increase of climate change denial among younger people. He noted that it was a good foundation that would require considerable will to achieve it.
86.7 Councillor Cook confirmed that, whilst it had been prepared primarily by consultants officers had a great deal of input as did the Member Working Group and the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
86.8 RESOLVED that:-
(1) The Gloucester City Council Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan at Appendix 1 be adopted and issued for public and key stakeholder consultation.
(2) Consideration be given to undertaking consultation in the form of roadshows, as well as online consultation, with a particular focus on ascertaining the views of young people on the Climate Change Strategy.
(3) A Member Briefing be offered to new Councillors on the Climate Change Strategy following the 2024 local elections.
(4) The development of the Climate Change Action Plan be driven at the highest political level, either through a designated Cabinet Member for Climate Change or a Member Champion.
Supporting documents:
- Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan (Report), item 86. PDF 820 KB
- Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan (Appendix 1), item 86. PDF 8 MB
- 240321 Item 9 - Amendment, item 86. PDF 52 KB