Agenda item


To receive announcements from:


a)         The Mayor

b)         Leader of the Council

c)         Members of the Cabinet

d)         Chairs of Committees

e)         Head of Paid Service


The Mayor


The Mayor reminded Members that the Civic Charity Ball was due to take place on 6th April 2024, and confirmed that further details would be circulated in due course. She further advised that the Civic Service would be held on 27th April 2024 and that she hoped as many Councillors as possible would be available to attend.


Managing Director


The Managing Director advised Members that the Head of Culture and Leisure would shortly be leaving the Council. He noted his thanks to the Head of Culture and Leisure and appreciation for his work. The Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure also paid tribute to the Head of Culture and Leisure, noting that the city had directly benefited from his input and that he would be greatly missed.