Issue - decisions
Emergency Accommodation & Housing Service Transformation Appraisal
09/05/2018 - Planned Improvements to Manage Demand for Temporary Accommodation
(1) the high level of demand for temporary housing and the challenge posed in securing a necessary level of supply be noted
(2) a more flexible use of DHP having regard to relevant legislation be welcomed
(3) authority be delegated to the Head of Communities, in conjunction with the Head of Policy and Resources (S151 Officer), Cabinet Member for Housing and Planning and One Legal to approve: –
i. Any feasible options to acquire, either independently or with partners, more suitable temporary accommodation, and
ii. The development and implementation of an incentive scheme that will provide better access to the private rented sector
(4) current service improvement measures to assist in reducing our use of temporary accommodation be noted.
(5) regular reports be made to Cabinet as appropriate