Issue - decisions
St Oswalds Redevelopment
17/06/2021 - St Oswalds Redevelopment
(1) the Property Commissioning Manager is authorised, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, Cabinet Member for Planning and Strategy, Head of Policy and Resources and Head of Place:
a. to accept a surrender from Tesco Stores Limited of the land edged GREEN in Appendix 1 of the report
b. to agree a new lease with Tesco Stores Limited for the land edged GREEN on in Appendix 1 of the report for a period of 250 years with no restriction to future development
c. the completion of both transactions taking place only when all other legal agreements referenced in resolution (iii) of the 10th March 2021 Cabinet Report ‘St Oswalds Redevelopment’ complete
(2) the Head of Place in consultation with the Leader of the Council, Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing Strategy, the Head of Policy and Resources and the Council Solicitor is authorised to take all necessary steps and undertake necessary procedures, including but not limited to entering into any legal arrangements or other documentation as may be required to facilitate resolutions (1)a and (1)b above
(3) the recipients of the delegations set out in Resolutions (1) and (2) above are authorised to instruct the Council Solicitor to prepare such documents as considered appropriate to achieve the outcomes set out in those Resolutions.