Issue history
Fixed Penalty Notices for Household Waste Duty of Care
- 08/10/2019 - Published in plan, Forward Plan and Cabinet Work Programme October 2019 - September 2020
- 29/10/2019 - Published in plan, Forward Plan and Cabinet Work Programme October - September 2020 (Revised 29/10/2019)
- 05/11/2019 - Published in plan, Forward Plan and Cabinet Work Programme November 2019 - October 2020
- 06/11/2019 - Agenda item, Cabinet Introduction of Fixed Penalty Notices for Household Waste Duty of Care and the Parking of Vehicles on Public Open Space 06/11/2019
- 06/11/2019 - Agenda item scheduled, Cabinet
- 08/11/2019 - Published decision: Introduction of Fixed Penalty Notices for Household Waste Duty of Care and the Parking of Vehicles on Public Open Space
- 15/11/2019 - Call-in period expired: Introduction of Fixed Penalty Notices for Household Waste Duty of Care and the Parking of Vehicles on Public Open Space