Agenda and minutes

Planning Committee - Tuesday, 6th May 2014 6.00 pm

Venue: Civic Suite, North Warehouse, The Docks, Gloucester, GL1 2EP. View directions

Contact: Tony Wisdom  Democratic Services Officer

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

To receive from Members, declarations of the existence of any disclosable pecuniary, or non-pecuniary, interests and the nature of those interests in relation to any agenda item. Please see Agenda Notes.


No declarations were made on this occasion.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 125 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 1 April 2014.


The minutes of the meeting held on 1 April 2014 were confirmed and signed by the Chair as a correct record.



Person to contact:                                     Development Control Manager

                                                                        Tel: 01452 396783


The Principal Planning Officer presented the report which detailed an application for the erection of a detached three bedroom dwelling house on land south of Rectory Lane.


She advised Members  that the Chartwell Close residents had requested that, should the Committee be minded to grant consent, the following conditions be imposed:-


1)         Any future planting should not be close enough to the retaining walls of the Chartwell Close properties to damage them. the residents had suggested that any planting should be 3 metres from the boundary and, if possible, the trees should be an alternative species to the silver birch shown on the submitted plans. (Members were advised that Officers could discuss this with the landscape architect and it could be dealt with under the landscape condition 5 recommended in the Officer’s report.)


2)         The Chartwell Close residents should be provided with access to maintain their retaining walls. (Members were advised that this was a civil matter.)


3)         Retain part of the grass verge adjacent to the access without a tarmacadam surface. (Members were advised that the Highway Odfficer and Agent agreed to this and it could be addressed  by amending Condition 12 and agreements with the Highway Authority).


She reminded Members that the application had been deferred at the previous meeting to enable a committee site visit to be arranged.


Mrs Linda Jordan of 4, Chartwell Close addressed the Committee speaking against the application.


Mrs Jordan advised members that the Officer had covered most of her points in the presentation but asked that should the application be granted, the Committee give consideration to imposing the conditions requested by Chartwell Close residents. She noted that the objections had been well documented and she did not intend to repeat them.


She noted that the occupants of the proposed dwelling would be able to look down her back garden and into her bedroom windows while she would be able to look into theirs.


Councillor Hilton stated that he had visited the site independently and noted that it was difficult to appreciate how much the land fell away. He believed that the Chartwell Close residents had purchased their properties assuming that they would retain views of the Severn Vale. He believed that the proposed dwelling would be a blot on the landscape as it would be much higher that the fencing.


The Principal Planning Officer noted that the dwelling would be 4.7m from the damp proof course to the eaves and 7.9m to the ridge. She noted that loss of view not a planning consideration.


Councillor Hilton  noted that the site was in a  Landscape Conservation Area and the proposal would obscure the view. He did not believe that the proposal was infilling, it was on the edge of a hill where people had bought properties assuming there would be no more building.


Councillor McLellan had visited the site independently and he expressed concerns regarding egress especially regarding the location of the pumping station.


The Highways Officer noted that the development proposed improvement  ...  view the full minutes text for item 258.



Person to contact:                                     Development Control Manager

                                                                        Tel: 01452 396783



The Principal Planning Officer presented the report which detailed an application for the redevelopment of existing warehousing and distribution site to provide wholesale/retail warehouse club (circa 13,025 square metres gross), creation of new signalled access and junction on eastern Avenue, Laying out of associated vehicle parking (circa 612 spaces) and associated servicing space, and erection of freestanding roadside restaurant (circa 420 square metres gross) and associated parking (circa 34 spaces) and servicing (outline application – means of access offered for consideration; appearance, landscaping, layout and scale reserved for future consideration) at Interbrew UK Ltd, Eastern Avenue.


He amended the second sentence of paragraph 6.18 of his report to refer to diversion of trade in the local area rather than Gloucester specifically.


He referred Members to the late material which confirmed that the applicant had withdrawn the restaurant element of the application and provided a revised Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy, the two comments already received about the application from interested parties and set out a revised Officer’s recommendation.


Mr Philip Staddon on behalf of the applicant, addressed the Committee in support of the application.


Mr Staddon advised that the application was for a major development on a Gateway to the City. The site had provided over 400 jobs in its heyday but most of the office space was currently empty. He considered the current site was unattractive.


He believed that the current application would open a new chapter in the history of the site as the warehouse club would serve a large catchment area.


He noted that there was no potential operator named at this stage but he confirmed that the application was a serious proposal which the applicant intended to deliver.


He advised that the nearest similar operations were located at Avonmouth and Birmingham. He considered that there were two big issues with the application – retail and highways. He believed that there would be no significant impact on retail trade in the City and noted that his view was shared by the Council’s retail consultants, and noted that the proposed junction works and the modelling had been done.


In terms of the small issues he noted that the drainage had been resolved and  expressed surprise that the application had been recommended for refusal due to the restaurant element which represented only 3 per cent of the total site area however he noted that the restaurant had been removed by the applicant to simplify matters.


He advised Members that the grant of planning permission would be an important step forward toward re-establishing the employment credentials of the site but it would not happen overnight.


The Chair referred to the comments made by Nathaniel Lichfield and Partners in the late material which implied that the Council would have difficulty in arguing that a similar sized out of centre A1 retail use would adversely affect the City centre. He was advised that an identical application would naturally have the same impacts but any new application would have to be assessed  ...  view the full minutes text for item 259.



Report of the Development Control Manager detailing progress with planning enforcement for the quarter January – March 2014 herewith.


The Senior Planning Compliance Officer presented the report which detailed the level and nature of enforcement activity undertaken by the Planning Enforcement Team between January and March 2014.


 Mr Birchley advised Members that a planning Compliance Officer had been recruited to replace Heidi Clarke who had left the Council’s service.


He illustrated recent activity with a series of photographs including:-

·         Gasworks fence, Podsmead

·         Untidy land at Bybrook Gardens

·         35, London Road

·         Rear of Awebridge Way

·         Interplay

·         Kebab Van at Gloucester Rugby Club

·         Signs at Lock Warehouse

·         Untidy land at 119, Cheltenham Road


Members thanked Mr Birchley for his efforts and Councillor Hobbs requested that he investigate a new unauthorised sign at the Peel Centre.


RESOLVED that the report be noted.



Section 106 Monitoring Progress Report 2013/14 pdf icon PDF 82 KB



To consider the report of the Senior Planning Compliance Officer detailing new Section 106 agreements entered into, contributions received, and any other benefits realised as a result of Section 106 Agreements in the 2013/14 financial year.



The Senior Planning Compliance Officer presented the report which detailed new Section 106 agreements entered into, contributions received and other benefits realised as a result of Section 106 Agreements in the 2013-14 financial year.


He advised Members that the monies had been received for public art on the Railway Triangle site. Plans had not been finalised and he hoped to be able to report further to the next meeting.


RESOLVED that the report be noted.




Person to contact:                                     Development Control Manager

                                                                        Tel: 01452 396783


Additional documents:


The Principal Planning Officer presented the report which detailed an application for the approval of reserved matters (means of access, layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) for Phase 3 of the Railway Triangle redevelopment pursuant to planning permission 11/00902/OUT.


The Chair supported the design and welcomed the delivery of employment uses on the site.


Councillor Hobbs supported the comments of Councillor Taylor and welcomed the inclusion of photovoltaic cells and solar panels.


RESOLVED that reserved matters approval be granted subject to the conditions contained in the report.




Person to contact:                                     Development Control Manager

                                                                        Tel: 01452 396783



The Principal Planning Officer presented the report which detailed applications for the following applications at Lock Warehouse, The Docks:-


14/00260/ADV – Temporary banners promoting the residential apartments (completed in March 2013) and the business of the new ground floor tenant (Ableworld). Proposed to be in place temporarily for a four month period. 


14/00261/LBC – External works to a Grade 2 Listed Building comprising 2 banners promoting the residential apartments (completed in March 2013) and the business of the new ground floor tenant (Ableworld). Proposed to be in place temporarily for a four month period.


Council Hobbs called on the Committee to refuse the application.


Councillor Hilton reminded Members that the Committee had been firm in resisting wall mounted advertisements on North Warehouse. He was concerned that granting them would set a precedent. The signs were considered totally out of place and would ruin the appearance of the Docks.


Councillor Lewis referred to the value of the historic building to the docks complex and called on the Committee to refuse the proposals.


Councillor Smith suggested that the Council ensured the removal of the signs by talking direct action immediately if required.


Councillor McLellan agreed with Councillor Smith’s comments and noted that there was a sequence of failures to remove unauthorised banners and erecting new ones without consent.


Councillor Dee expressed concern regarding signs on the elevation facing the dock. He was advised that those signs were not authorised and the applicant had removed some other signs previously erected at the ground floor following discussions with Conservation and Enforcement Officers.


The Chair considered that the applications should be refused.





RESOLVED that the application be refused for the reason in the report.


14/00261 /LBC


RESOLVED that the application be refused for the reason in the report.






Person to contact:                                     Development Control Manager

                                                                        Tel: 01452 396783



The Development Control Manager presented the report which detailed an application for an extension to provide a garage and store at 1, Stewarts Mill Lane.


He advised Members that the application had been presented to Committee as the applicant was a City Council employee.


RESOLVED that planning permission be granted subject to the conditions in the report.



Delegated Decisions pdf icon PDF 128 KB

To consider a schedule of applications determined under delegated powers during the month of February 2014.


Person to Contact:      Development Control Manager

Tel: (01452) 396783


Consideration was given to a schedule of applications determined under delegated powers during the month of February 2014.


RESOLVED that the schedule be noted.


Date of next meeting

Tuesday, 3 June 2014 at 6.00pm.


The date shown on the agenda was incorrect and it was noted that the next meeting would be held on Tuesday, 3 June 2014 at 18.00hrs.