Agenda and minutes

Planning Committee - Tuesday, 1st March 2016 6.00 pm

Venue: Civic Suite, North Warehouse, The Docks, Gloucester, GL1 2EP

Contact: Tony Wisdom  Democratic Services Officer

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

To receive from Members, declarations of the existence of any disclosable pecuniary, or non-pecuniary, interests and the nature of those interests in relation to any agenda item. Please see Agenda Notes.


Councillor Williams, declared a non-prejudicial interest in agenda item 7, University of Gloucestershire and withdrew to the public gallery during the consideration of the application.


Councillor Lewis declared a personal interest in agenda item 7, University of Gloucestershire.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 367 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 2 February 2016.


The minutes of the meeting held on 2 February 2016 were confirmed and signed by the Chair as a correct record.


Late Material pdf icon PDF 156 KB

Please note that any late material relating to the applications detailed below will be published on the Council’s website as a supplement in the late afternoon of the day of the meeting



Members’ attention was drawn to the late material in respect of agenda items 6, 7 and 9 which had been published on the internet as a supplement to the agenda.



Application for determination:-


Outline planning application (with all matters reserved except for access) for the erection of a new 10,000sqm business school, the provision of new student accommodation (up to 200 beds) and the creation of additional car parking at the University of Gloucestershire Oxstalls Campus, Oxstalls Lane and the Debenhams Playing Field, Estcourt Road. Provision of new and improved sports facilities at Oxstalls Sports Park, Debenhams Playing Field, Oxstalls Campus and Plock Court Playing Fields, including on land  currently occupied by the Former Bishops College,  to include – the provision of new multiuse sports hall, 2 x 3G all weather sports pitches with associated 500 seat spectator stand, floodlighting, replacement cricket pavilion and additional parking; improved vehicular access at Oxstalls Lane, Plock Court and Estcourt Road, new vehicular access at Estcourt Close, improved pedestrian and cycling connections and associated highways, landscaping and ancillary works.



Councillor Williams, having declared a non-prejudicial interest in this application, withdrew to the public gallery during the consideration of this item.


Councillor Lewis having declared a personal interest remained in the meeting and participated in the consideration of the application.


The Principal Planning Officer presented his report which detailed an outline planning application (with all matters reserved except for access) for the erection of a new 10,000 sqm business school, the provision of new student accommodation (up to 200 beds) and the creation of additional; car parking at the University of Gloucestershire Oxstalls Campus, Oxstalls Lane and the Debenhams Playing Field, Oxstalls Campus and Plock Court Playing Fields including on land currently occupied by the former Bishops College to include – the provision of new multi-use sports hall, 2x 3G all weather sports pitches with associated 500 seat spectator stand, floodlighting, replacement cricket pavilion and additional parking; improved vehicular access at Oxstalls Lane, Plock Court and Estcourt Road, new vehicular access at Estcourt Close, improved pedestrian and cycling connections and associated highways, landscaping and ancillary works.


He drew Members’ attention to the late material which contained a clarification of paragraph 6.99 of the report by the University and an amended recommendation.


Councillor Porter as a Ward Member was invited to address the Committee.


Councillor Porter stated that he had been excited by the original proposals and the potential financial benefits that they would bring to the City. His excitement had waned as the proposals were developed and the extent of the potential impact on the community became apparent.


Many hours had been spent in trying to find ways to mitigate these impacts but the University remained intransigent. Originally free parking had been proposed for residents, which then became an offer by the University to support free parking for a limited time and now the offer had been withdrawn completely.


He stated that residents considered on-street parking to be a nightmare at the present time with both staff and students trying to avoid paying parking charges.


A new on-site car park was proposed but the access would cross a busy sustainable transport route where he had personally sustained injuries from an accident.


He believed that the proposed access arrangements were too complex and would cause delays to other road users.


He stated that the proposed student accommodation blocks were too close to houses on Estcourt Road and would be better sited behind the business school or moved to the east. He stated that the University had refused both suggestions.


The access off Tewkesbury Road had not been designed for the volumes of traffic proposed and he had suggested an alternative.


He noted that more than 200 representations had been received and the majority wished the development to go ahead but with appropriate mitigation measures and the proposals put forward by the local community would be both better and cheaper.


John Bond of Estcourt Close addressed the Committee in opposition to the application on behalf of Oxvoice and Estcourt residents.


Mr Bond  ...  view the full minutes text for item 89.


BAKERS QUAY - 15/01144/FUL & 15/01152/LBC pdf icon PDF 830 KB

Application for determination:-


Alteration, including partial demolition, refurbishment and restoration of Downings Malthouse and Downings Malthouse extension, the demolition and redevelopment of Provender Mill and the restoration and extension of the Transit Shed to provide commercial floorspace for  A3/A4 purposes at ground floor level in Downings Malthouse, Provender Mill and the Transit Shed, conversion of basement and ground floors of the Downings Malthouse extension for ancillary car parking and the upper floors of Downings Malthouse, Downings Malthouse extension and new build Provender Mill to provide 162 new residential units and the restoration of four three storey cottages. The development of the 105 bed hotel and freestanding unit for use for A3/A4 purposes on the site together with ancillary parking, turning, access and landscaping.


The Principal Planning Officer introduced his report which detailed an application for alteration, including partial demolition, refurbishment and restoration of Downings Malthouse and Downings Malthouse extension, the demolition and redevelopment of Provender Mill and the restoration and extension of the Transit Shed to provide commercial floorspace for A3/A4 purposes at ground floor level in Downings Malthouse, Provender Mill and the Transit Shed, conversion of basement and ground floors of the Downing Malthouse extension for ancillary car parking and the upper floors of Downings Malthouse, Downings Malthouse extension and new build Provender Mill to provide 162  new residential units and the restoration of four three storey cottages. The development of the 105 bed hotel and freestanding unit for use for A3/A4 purposes on the site together with ancillary parking, turning, access and landscaping.


He advised that the associated application for Listed Building Consent (15/01152/LBC) was also presented for Members’ consideration. He drew Members’ attention to the late material which contained a further representation, consultee responses and a revised recommendation.


Adrian Goodall of Rokeby Merchant addressed the Committee in support of the application.


Mr Goodall advised that the original proposals had been presented to the Regeneration Company three years ago and it had taken one year to address land ownership issues with a further two years to develop the master plan.


He stated that it was challenging to find viable uses for heritage assets and he believed that the new build element would be acceptable and viable.  This element would generate the funding needed to enable the external retention of the heritage assets.


He noted that the new build option for Provender Mill sought to retain the massing, elevator shaft and gable ends of the original building.


In conclusion he noted that the overall viability of the proposals was very fragile but Rokeby Merchant were fully committed to the whole scheme and could and would only take their profit on completion of the development. He had offered a ‘best endeavours’ commitment to build out the whole programme.


He explained that the developers were unable to offer any affordable housing but they were working with the Homes and Communities Agency to provide starter homes. He confirmed that if permission was granted work would start in the summer.


Councillor Smith believed that the proposal contained some delightful features but expressed concern regarding the balconies proposed for Provender Mill and the design of the drive through café. She was pleased that the overall scheme retained much of the heritage and was in keeping.


Councillor Hilton complimented the developers and their architects on their plans for the buildings which were in a state of disrepair following several fires and a long period of disuse. He welcomed the provision of the hotel, restaurants and residential accommodation.


Councillor McLellan welcomed the proposals for the derelict site and was pleased to see the condition requiring that a charge be made for parking. He believed that the proposed drive through café was out of keeping.


He noted that the access  ...  view the full minutes text for item 90.



Application for determination:-


Outline application for the erection of up to 420 dwellings and community space/building, as well as associated landscaping, public open space, access, drainage, infrastructure, earthworks and other ancillary enabling works.



The Chair advised that this application had been withdrawn from the agenda by Officers prior to the meeting to enable further work to be undertaken relating to viability issues.




126 TREDWORTH ROAD - 15/00797/COU pdf icon PDF 235 KB

Application for determination:-


Proposed Change of Use from florist to takeaway and construction of flue.



The Development Control Manager presented the report which detailed an application for the proposed change of use from florist to takeaway and construction of a flue at 126, Tredworth Road.


He drew Members’ attention to the late material which contained an additional proposed condition.


He advised that the applicant had amended the plans to move the flue as far back from the street frontage as possible. The applicant had also proposed to clad the flue in glass reinforced plastic and paint the top of the flue to ensure that it blended in with the side elevation as much as possible.


Dr Kirby addressed the Committee in opposition to the application.


Dr Kirby stated that he had found the Council’s website to be deeply unfriendly to users. He advised that he ran a small business and that he was a landlord owning much of the property in the vicinity.


He believed that the proposed use would cause disruption and increase traffic. The existing use as a florist was a gentler trade generated fewer journeys than a takeaway.


The takeaway would generate white noise from the machinery and smells from the extraction plant.


He expressed concerns regarding traffic which was exacerbated by illegal parking around the dangerous junction which already saw serious accidents at regular intervals. He believed there was a disconnection between the perceptions and reality of the traffic situation.


Councillor Hobbs expressed concerns regarding increased traffic generation and poor parking provision. He referred to the convenience store on the other side of Tredworth Road and was not convinced that the highway engineers were correct.


Councillor Etheridge used Tredworth Road on a regular basis and it frequently took ten or twelve minutes to pass through the junction with a large vehicle.


The Development Control Manager referred to Dr Kirby’s comments regarding the existing use as a florist. He advised that the premises had the benefit of permitted general Class A1 open retail use and could be used lawfully for any use within that Class. He noted that the proposed takeaway would not be open during the morning peak period and advised Members that the decision should be made on the basis that the existing parking restrictions were complied with.    


Councillor Toleman noted that the Committee would have to take note of t5he highway officer’s views and the future of the takeaway would be determined by market forces.

Councillor McLellan believed that more people would drive to a takeaway than a general convenience store.


Councillor Smith believed it unlikely that the premises would revert to a convenience store as one existed over the road. She expressed concerns that illegally parked cars could obstruct the view of the road for children using the pedestrian crossing.


The Vice Chair asked where delivery vehicles and staff would be able to park.


The Solicitor advised the Committee to determine the application on planning grounds not on enforcement issues and he noted the need for Members to provide robust reasons should they be minded to refuse the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 92.



To receive a presentation by Peter Brett Associates on the Joint Core Strategy ‘Plan Viability, Community Infrastructure Levy and Affordable Housing Study’.


The Head of Planning introduced Mr John Baker of Peter Brett Associates who provided the Committee with an update on progress in producing a draft charging structure for the authorities within the Joint Core Strategy.


The Chair thanked Mr Baker for the presentation


Delegated Decisions pdf icon PDF 341 KB

To consider a schedule of applications determined under delegated powers during the month of January 2016.


Consideration was given to a schedule of applications determined under delegated powers during the month of January 2016.


RESOLVED that the schedule be noted.


Date of next meeting

Tuesday, 12 April 2016 at 6.00pm.


Tuesday, 12 April 2016 at 6.00pm.