Issue - meetings
Treasury Management Strategy
Meeting: 06/03/2019 - Cabinet (Item 99)
99 Treasury Management Strategy PDF 107 KB
To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources seeking recommendation to Council that the Treasury Management Strategy and the prudential indicators be approved and that the Treasury activities be noted.
Additional documents:
RESOLVED it is recommended to Council that the Treasury Management
Strategy be approved.
Cabinet considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources that sought recommendation to Council that the Treasury Management Strategy and the prudential indicators be approved and that the Treasury activities be noted.
The Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources summarised the key features of the report.
RESOLVED it is recommended to Council that the Treasury Management
Strategy be approved.
Meeting: 22/03/2018 - Council (Item 9)
9 Treasury Management Strategy 2018/19 PDF 120 KB
To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources concerning the Treasury Management Strategy 2018/19, the prudential indicators and Treasury activities.
Additional documents:
Meeting: 07/03/2018 - Cabinet (Item 108)
108 Treasury Management Strategy 2018/19 PDF 120 KB
To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources seeking to formally recommend that Council approves the Treasury Management Strategy, the prudential indicators and notes the Treasury activities.
Additional documents:
RESOLVED it is recommended to Council that the Treasury Management Strategy be approved.
Cabinet considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources that informed them of the contents of the Treasury Management Strategy, the prudential indicators and Treasury activities.
The Cabinet Member for Environment noted that the strategy was prudent. The Cabinet Member for Housing and Planning reminded Members that the current financial climate requires careful monitoring of investments and commented that the strategy presented a sensible approach.
RESOLVED it is recommended to Council that the Treasury Management Strategy be approved.